Omnipark Dental Centre

Your Oral Health Matters to Us

Preventive Dentistry

Helps to avoid cavities, gum disease, enamel wear, and more.

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Not all of the following procedures will work for everyone.
Our dentist can help you determine which method will work the best for enhancing your smile.

Bad Breath Dental

Bad breath is a very common problem and there are many different causes. The smelly gases released by the bacteria that coat your teeth and gums usually cause persistent bad breath. 
However, strong foods like garlic and onions can add to the problem. Smoking is also one of the main causes of bad breath, along with certain illnesses such as nasal and stomach conditions. Bits of food that get caught between the teeth and on the tongue will rot and can sometimes cause an unpleasant smell. So correct and regular brushing is very important to keep your breath smelling fresh.

Before & After Video

Before & After Video

Bleeding Gums - not normal

Screening for gum disease forms an integral part of your routine examination.

What is gum disease?
Gum disease describes swelling, soreness or infection of the tissues supporting the teeth. There are two main forms of gum disease: gingivitis and periodontal disease.

What is gingivitis?
Gingivitis means inflammation of the gums. This is when the gums around the teeth become very red and swollen. Often the swollen gums bleed when they are brushed during cleaning.

Oral care for children

Our Dentists aim to prevent dental disease rather than treat it at a later date. Fluoride applications and fissure sealants (tooth coloured sealants) are applied to biting surfaces of children’s teeth to prevent decay.

Before & After Video

Before & After Video

Tooth Decay Detection

Decay may or may not cause discomfort; even though it doesn’t hurt, the tooth is deteriorating. Using higher magnification and powerful lighting, it is easier to detect decay at an early stage to prevent excessive tooth damage. When cavities are small, they are much easier and less expensive to treat. Early tooth decay does not tend to show many physical signs. Sometimes the tooth looks healthy, but your dentist will be able to see from an x-ray whether you have any decay under the enamel, any possible infections in the roots, or any bone loss around the tooth.


Dental hygiene treatment includes professionally cleaning the teeth for the patient. This is usually called scaling and polishing. However, perhaps our most important role is showing the patient the best way to keep the teeth free of plaque. The dentist also plays an important role in treating gum disease.

Before & After Video

Before & After Video

Mouth Cancer Screening

Mouth cancer is a malignant growth that can occur in any part of the mouth, including the tongue, lips and throat. Mouth cancers have a higher proportion of deaths per number of cases than breast cancer, cervical cancer or skin melanoma. The mortality rate is just over 50%, despite treatment, with about 1,700 deaths per year in the UK. This is because of late detection. Visit your dentist at once if you notice any abnormal problems or are not sure. Regular dental checkups allow early detection of abnormalities in the mouth.